
Fire Safety Design of Buildings

DURATION: 3 days

PRICE: £920.00


This course highlights the design features of commercial buildings that do not require a fire engineered approach in ensuring life safety and property protection. You will gain an understanding in the way in which fire protection systems have been built and the importance of managing them.

Learning outcomes

  • An understanding of key concepts in Approved Document B Volume 1 and Volume 2, BS 9991, BS 9999, and the Building Safety Act 2022
  • Knowledge of the theory and practical application of the basic principles of constructional fire protection
  • An understanding of the need for and benefits of passive and active fire protection
  • Awareness of the essential components of BS 476: Parts 20-24 and BS EN equivalents
  • Ability to apply fire design criteria to building design
  • An understanding of legislation relating to planning, design, construction, and its relationship to post-occupation compliance


  • Fire Protection Association (FPA) Certificate
  • 19.5 Fire Protection Association (FPA) CPD hours


FPA members receive a 10% discount.

Booking with a purchase order? Complete our interactive booking form and email it to training@thefpa.co.uk

Download our training course prospectus.

All pricing is subject to VAT.

  • Introduction to fire safety design and the building regulations
  • Means of escape
  • How passive and active fire protection contribute to property protection and business continuity
  • Building services installations
  • Fire development and occupant escape times
  • Elements of construction including materials
  • Compartmentation, cavity barriers, fire stopping, and dampers
  • Fire service access and facilities
  • Planning and building processes, and compliance post-occupation
  • Appreciation of the need to manage difference under the Equality Act 2010 within building design
  • Fire safety consultants
  • Insurance surveyors
  • Fire safety managers
  • Architects, building control officers, regulators and specifiers
  • Fire service officers
  • Fire investigators
  • Principal contractors
  • Pricipal designers


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