Risk Assessment

The Fire Protection Association has been providing fire risk assessment expertise for over 20 years. Our experts can assist you with single or multi-site fire risk assessments including DSEAR risk assessments, fire compartmentation surveys, and fire strategies. Browse our range of services to find out how we can help your business reach legal compliance.


Reach legal compliance with our risk assessment services.

Renowned for our excellence and quality of work, our experienced team of consultants will provide you with a detailed report of significant findings along with a clear concise action plan. Our recommendations are developed to ensure the safety of life and the protection to the premises and its contents. Download our fire advisory services brochure.

Fire Risk Assessments

We can remove the stress of undertaking a fire safety risk assessment by providing a consultant who...


Fire Strategy

Ensure your business has an action plan in place to minimise your potential loss from fire by...


DSEAR Risk Assessments

Our DSEAR reports will provide clear recommendations on the actions that need to be taken to ensure...


Compartmentation Surveys

Our expert surveyors can conduct comprehensive, non-destructive fire compartmentation surveys and...


Fire Door Inspections

Our fire door inspectors conduct comprehensive, non-destructive fire door surveys and deliver...


Fire Safety Signs

We supply both internal and external fire safety signage to help your business achieve compliance.



The government is in the process of setting up a “dedicated Remediation Enforcement...NEWS


Crews from the London Fire Brigade (LFB) were called to an incident at a “historically...NEWS