About Us

The Fire Protection Association (FPA) is the UK's national fire safety organisation. We work to identify the dangers of fire and help our clients reduce any fire-related risks.

As fire safety experts, we have an unrivalled reputation for quality and expertise in all aspects of fire protection including research, consultancy, training, publications, risk surveying and auditing. All our services are central to the reputation we’ve built amongst our membership and advocates who trust our expertise.

We actively seek to move fire safety standards forward by lobbying government and working with them to address our issues and concerns.

Our values

Trust – The government, industry organisations, and members rely on us for advice, and regularly use our testing and educational services.

Integrity – We are respected for our honest approach, facilitating and lobbying for best practice in the fire industry. 

Expertise – Our teams’ specialist fire safety knowledge is undisputed and offers the latest fire protection advice to industry and government organisations.

Our vision

To continue to be the go-to authority in the field of fire protection, building resilience, and people safety through the promotion of fit-for-purpose training and development, expert consultancy, ethical testing and challenging research-led lobbying and representation. 

Our history

The Fire Protection Association (FPA) was established in 1946 by the Association of British Insurers (ABI) to be the core voice of fire safety for the Fire Offices’ Committee. Our heritage lies in sharing fire safety messages and information to government, businesses, our members and the wider public.

Over the years, many fire organisations and associations have been bought and sold but the FPA has remained the centre point of fire safety expertise and guidance for the ABI. In 2012, we established our own fire testing laboratory to assist government and commercial testing – an area we are immensely proud of as it continues to grow. As we look to the future, we will remain true to our vision to advance standards and best practice within the fire safety and prevention sector.


2001 saw us expand with the purchase of RISCAuthority, an annually funded research scheme which conducts research on behalf of the insurance sector. Supported by a significant group of UK insurers and underpinned by extensive research and risk analysis, RISCAuthority publishes risk management guides and recommendations in the areas of fire and security.

In the UK, legislative responsibility is limited to matters of life safety only. The RISCAuthority scheme is unique in seeking to extend the remit to specifically consider business and property protection and resilience. The scheme’s core purpose is to continually raise resilience standards within the business community.

Our credentials

  • All our training and consultancy services are approved by Lloyds Register and certified to BS EN ISO 9001:2015. Download our certificate.
  • Proud achievers of the Investors in People Award
  • We take cyber security very seriously to protect our networks, devices, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorised access. We hold both the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus Badges which provide assurance of our cyber security defences from the most prevalent forms of internet threat.


"We regularly use the Fire Protection Association to evaluate the condition and operational performance of sprinkler heads, their service is both efficient and cost effective. The knowledge and experience of their technicians shows in the detailed report which receives great feedback from both our engineers and our clients"

Paul Berry

Sales Director, Johnson Controls, Fire Suppression UK & Ireland

Investors in People
Cyber Essentials Basic
Cyber Essentials Plus
ISO 9001
ASDMA Member

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