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06 December 2013
Fire chief have slammed the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) for telling firefighters to ignore a recall notice to tackle a major fire at a Dagenham scrapyard
23 December 2013
After a long dispute & the council has finally got the right to force people to take a course on fire safety.
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Fire chiefs have slammed the fire bridages Union (FBU) Etiam et ligula dictum, dictum est a, iaculis nibh. Fusce facilisis sit amet lorem in suscipit. Morbi volutpat ipsum mauris, non ultricies diam porttitor eget.
By keeping to the recommended breaks in forests a potentially devastating fire was stopped in its tracks
11 April 2014
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is investigating a second fire that?s taken place on the same North Sea oil rig this year.
The UK’s leading fire safety organisation, committed to setting the highest industry standards, influencing policy and supporting our members.
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