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10 February 2025
In this article, Dale Kinnersley, RISCAuthority Principal Consultant and Convenor of both the RISCAuthority Sprinkler Rules Working Group and the Suppression & Detection Working Group, explores...
08 November 2024
Tom Gilbert examines the current place of fire testing in the provision of passive fire protection and looks at where and how the industry can improve for the future
25 September 2024
FPA Chief Executive Gavin Dunn reflects on the outcomes of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 report and presents a roadmap of the recommendations that industry can take forward
23 July 2024
Mazin Daoud examines the revised HTM 05-03 Part K, offering guidance on fire risk assessments in complex healthcare premises
F&RM Deputy Editor Aisha Farooq tracks the recent moves towards increasing fire safety for disabled people
Alan Oliver discusses issues around fire safety non-compliance in healthcare buildings and introduces the latest Healthcare Fire Compartment Inspection reference documents
Professor Jag Dhanda discusses the importance of offering immersive training experiences at an affordable rate and the creation of a fire safety app for NHS professionals
Collaboration and testing are key for hospital fire safety, explains Russell James of Specialist Door Solutions
As part of Ventro’s latest fire safety webinar, Elspeth Grant examined the current status of PEEPs and their importance in healthcare settings
Magdalena Prus on inspecting the fire protection elements of construction
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