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The LPC Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Installations 2015 is the UK's most significant sprinkler installation standard which incorporates the full BS EN 12845:2015+A1:2019 standard and related Technical Bulletins.
Published by the Fire Protection Association, this document is regularly updated to incorporate new Technical Bulletins and update existing ones, thereby providing a specification designed to ensure the highest practical levels of resilience to fire can be achieved.
The LPC Sprinkler Rules subscription model automatically provides subscribers with the latest updates to the document (including new and revised Technical Bulletins) throughout the year for an annual fee, ensuring they remain at the forefront of changes for life safety and property protection purposes.
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Looking at regulatory, structural, and operational aspects of building safety, the institute has...NEWS
Described as a landmark judgement, a High Court judge has upheld an adjudication decision regarding...NEWS
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