Paul was looking to develop his career as a fire risk assessor. He had completed other health and safety based training programmes but struggled to find something specifically for fire that went beyond the basics. He found other courses often had very little interaction between learner and trainer.
After seeking advice from fellow colleagues, Paul discovered the CFPA Europe Diploma in Fire Prevention, a blended learning programme developed to help those looking to undertake more than a basic fire risk assessment training course. The FPA has been able to support Paul on his journey as a fire risk assessor, offering a helping hand whenever he needed it. The programme offered him the flexibility to study in his own time alongside his full time job.
Paul wanted to enrol on a course which didn’t simply reiterate what could be found in a textbook. He was searching for a programme which would enable him to learn something totally new, and develop his skill set as a fire risk assessor beyond that of a basic training course.
Whilst he would study independently, he wanted to know support was available should he need it. Like others, Paul was in full time employment so could not spare the time for a full time degree and he wanted to study at his own pace.
His goal was to undertake a course which would set him aside from others and enable him to tackle more challenging fire safety issues. The challenge was to find a course which provided the right support, resources and programme to help him get there.
How the Diploma helped
The CFPA Europe Diploma offered a blend of face to face and distanced learning. The initial five day course helped Paul to get started and get to know some fellow students and staff.
A huge deciding factor was knowing that during the five day course, and throughout the Diploma study units, he had the support of vastly experienced and knowledgeable experts, who provided outstanding levels of support whenever he needed it.
From the very beginning, it was a straightforward process. Paul simply emailed a few questions to our training team, who provided all the forms and information he needed to apply. At each stage, it was made clear what was being asked of him and what needed to be completed before progressing to the next step.
There are a variety of experts who provide input during the CFPA Diploma course which, like many of our students, Paul found to be a huge advantage. Every unit is assessed by a different marker, each with their own area of expertise. This means learners have a range of helpful experts each supporting from different angles.
One of the main learning areas for Paul was discovering that there is often more than one way to solve an issue. He quickly learned that in fire risk assessing, it is rare for a building or the people within the building to fit exactly into the parameters contained within the books and guides. Having access to experienced professionals allowed him to think of different solutions which help him to achieve his main goal of keeping people safe.
Results and future plans
Since gaining the CFPA Diploma, Paul now works for himself. The Diploma has given him a fantastic foundation of knowledge to work from, and he uses much of the guidance and ideas he learnt throughout the programme in helping to find solutions for his clients. In addition, holding a Diploma certificate has helped Paul to stand out, especially when competing for business. Finally, the level of qualification opens opportunities for Paul to be recognised by the Institute of Fire Safety Managers (IFSM) and the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) at various levels of membership.