The Team

Don Oakley

Head of RISCAuthority

Don joined the FPA in 2024 with over 35 years’ experience in commercial insurance, risk management, and third-party certification. As Head of RISCAuthority, he is responsible for ensuring the scheme delivers a high-quality, topical programme of work that satisfies the needs of our RISCAuthority insurer members.

Don is also Convenor of the RISCAuthority Security Working Group and the Business Continuity Working Group, and produces technical guidance on behalf of the FPA and RISCAuthority. He is a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) and the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM), and holds a Diploma in Insurance (Dip CII) and SIIRSM.


A case brought to the First Tier Tribunal regarding the cladding remediation of a block of luxury...NEWS


Two recently published reports provide details of possible fire safety risks and means of...NEWS