Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 report due for publication this week

The report is scheduled to be released on Wednesday 4 September at 11am

The FPA awaits the forthcoming release of the Grenfell Inquiry Phase 2 report on Wednesday 4 September at 11am with great interest, and we welcome the opportunity to examine the detail of the causes of the fire, including how Grenfell Tower came to be in a condition which allowed the fire to spread in the manner that it did.

Speaking ahead of the publication, FPA Chief Executive Dr Gavin Dunn said, “The release of this report and its findings is the next crucial step in the continuing journey of improvement in the fire safety and wider construction industry. We hope it will provide some much-needed answers, not only for the industry, but more importantly for those individuals and families who were impacted by this avoidable tragedy.

Like the rest of the sector, we will read the report’s findings with great interest and review how the FPA can best support any recommendations it contains through our provision of training, advocacy, and technical expertise to the fire safety industry.

Our recent FPA Policy Manifesto shows some of the fire safety steps we believe government can implement within the UK built environment and we hope that the release of the Phase 2 report will provide additional impetus to continue the work to improve fire and life safety.

The FPA will issue full responses to the report in the weeks following its release.