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26 January 2023
The Joint Code of Practice for Fire Prevention on Construction Sites was first published in 1992 with the objective of preventing fires on construction sites. Now in its 10th edition, the code has been revised to ensure it continues to address not only long-standing risks such as hot work, but also reflects changes in standards, practice and the more prevalent use of modern materials and construction methods.
The archived 9th edition is available to download here.
16 August 2024
Insurers’ experience shows that the occurrence of water damage is one of the most prevalent causes of claims on construction sites. Produced with the Construction Insurance Risk Engineers Group (CIREG) and endorsed by the London Engineering Group (LEG) and the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), this Joint Code of Practice aims to help reduce losses associated with escape of water (EoW) events and subsequent project delays during both the pre-construction and construction phases.
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The Department for Communities (DfC) has been seeking views from those involved in the...NEWS
Crews from Norwich Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) responded to an incident at a derelict commercial...NEWS
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